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June 07, 2007


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I would agree with you Heather that the public often forgets that the news media has their own slant when reporting news to fit these archetypes that Jon discusses.

However, the fact that people don't trust news media as much as they did years ago suggests that maybe the public does know this.

While I am obviously a believer in the positives of social media, I do worry that the in the future, the public will make less informed decisions in their lives because they read so many like-minded discussions online.

Jon, do you think that newspapers will stop utilizing archetypes in the future when reporting? I am curious to see if they will abandon this model in order to gain back some of the public's trust.

I've just been marking some post-graduate PR student assignments addressing criticism of PR as involving rhetoric that packages corporate information as favourable narratives.

Your post is a useful reminder that this is exactly what journalists are doing. Which makes it even more difficult for the public to assess objectively what they encounter via the media.

Critics of PR suggest that the public need to be more aware of how the profession is influencing the news and packaging stories. One could argue the public should be educated further on how the media operates in this regard.

Would this lead to greater ability to assess "truth" and make informed decisions - or just increase the cynicism many feel about all public communications?

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