« Had Mackey Worked For Wild Oats, Would His "rahodeb" Postings Have Violated Ethics Policy? | Main | Public Relations as Reputation Management: Beyond the Roles of Mouthpiece and Mop-up Crew »

July 18, 2007


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Yes, I saw Mackey's op-ed last week in the WSJ. A very lucid piece advocating an alternative plan for health care reform. I have to say that I was very impressed -- a far superior plan than what is being batted around in Congress. Of course, my first reaction was "Is John Mackey really still CEO at Whole Foods? How did he live down the whole rahodeb rhubarb?"

Time moves on. JM gains even more publicity ..

maybe you have to find the will to add to your earlier posts?

It will be interesting to see if the investigation uncovers anyone from the CEO's team who was aware of what he was doing or even facilitating it, as PR people often do for executive bloggers.

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