Blog writers should stick to their knitting. This being a blog about communications issues, I keep the focus on issues in communications, or at least current issues from the lens of a corporate communicator.
But in five days my oldest son is getting married, and the upcoming joyous event is at the center of most of my thoughts these days.
So I'm going to muse on what I have prepared to pass on to my son, Mike, and to his bride, Michelle. I hope these thoughts are received in the spirit they are offered, a little preachy perhaps, but well-intended.
I plan to make a five-minute toast/blessing at the rehearsal dinner. (My number two son, Tim, the best man, gets the big stage of the wedding reception toast, and I'm sure he will make the most of it.) After a few not-too-embarrassing anecdotes from Mike's childhood, I'll offer these short bits of unsolicited wisdom (hey, we're footing the bill, so I might as well take the opportunity to offer my two cents...):
- One – invite the Lord into your marriage. Pray together every day.
- Two—Listen to each other, even when you’re sure you are right.
- Three—Be kind to each other in all ways.
- Four—Be a team together, a oneness in each other. Any hurt you would cause the other, hurts yourself. Every kindness, every act of generosity to the other, makes you happy.
- Five—See every day as a gift not to be wasted, part of your lifelong journey together, and an opportunity to learn and grow a little more.
- Six—Stay close to your family, even when you are far away.
- Seven—Make good friends of good people, and hold on to your friendships. People are not lettuce, after all. (That’s an inside joke; I'll explain the reference in my next post).
- Jon Harmon
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